Our Mission.

To Provide support, guidance and encouragement to women working in all aspects of SharePoint.

Our Vision.

To educate and mentor young women into the path of technology as a career field worth entering.

To help women succeed in their careers and break barriers.

Our Board.

Cathy Dew, Microsoft
Lori Gowin, Microsoft

Jennifer Ann Mason, MVP

Liz Sundet, MVP

Our Mission

Learn More

The Women in SharePoint group was founded with the message of outreach and community in mind. We hope to provide a strong base of women in the SharePoint community to not only support each other in our professional careers but also to encourage continued growth of girls and women pursuing careers in SharePoint and Information Technology. 

In the SharePoint community the women are happy to have the support of the males in the community. So many of the men have been supported by powerful women in technology and we are honored to have them help spread the message of Women in SharePoint. 

The Women in SharePoint group is proud to serve as a community partner for the conferences, user groups and other events. As a community partner we are thrilled to provide great opportunities to have some fellowship amongst the Women in SharePoint group in attendance at the conference. 

We cherish our relationships with Microsoft and the SPTechCon events each year. These have helped to provide a location for the women in our industry to gather, meet and discuss important issues. 

Of special importance to WSP is its girls outreach program, which seeks to educate girls about the many intellectual and economic opportunities available in the field of information technology. According to Computerworld magazine, the number of women choosing to major in computer science dropped 70 percent between 2000 and 2005. And there’s more: 

Of all the computer science degrees awarded in 2007, only 19 percent went to women; also women hold more than half of all professional occupations in the U.S. but only 25 percent of all computing-related occupations. 

The Women in SharePoint group hopes to reach out to girls and women to spread the message of how much variety and possibilities are available with careers in SharePoint. This outreach will occur in a variety of forms including speaking at colleges and high schools around the country.